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Don't try this yourself, you might break something. Other kernel changes.

msg queues I use message queue's to pass messages around. I use the same queue to send and receive messages. This is actually very bad (now that I think about it), cause you might fill up the queue, and cause a deadlock (hmm, that appears to be happening!). anyway to increase the sizes put bigger sizes into:

	The max number of bytes per message (redhat 7.2 default = 8192)
	The total size of the queue. (redhat 7.2 default = 16384)
	Number of messages. (redhat 7.2 default = 16)
I'm off to go fix that now :-) When you change the values, it does not effect the current queue. So delete the current queue with ipcrm msg id. Where you get the id from ipcs

Basically these low numbers make message queues pretty useless in a high traffic application. Probably you can just up these numbers to be pretty large, but I didn't try it. In my case, I have a design flaw that needs to be changed.

Call me lazy, I just upped the numbers :-). I added this to /etc/rc.d/rc.local, and run it, then restarted the queue.

echo 524288 >  /proc/sys/kernel/msgmnb 
echo 256 > /proc/sys/kernel/msgmni


Last Change: Sunday, 06-Dec-2009 20:07:29 EST


The information provided within these pages is provided AS IS, and without any warranty. Following these directions may (but not limited to) crash your computer, delete all the information on your hard disk, open up security holes or cause your house to burn down. I made these pages to provide some information about the setup that I have done, but I did not proofread it for correctness, and in most cases did not test it. There are commands in these pages that would definately delete or corrupt all the data on your computer (especially the dualboot section). In fact it happened to me.... So you are on your own!

Cameron Gregory